What Is Responsive Web Design?

Responsive web design (RWD) is a methodology for designing websites that are optimized for devices and screens that vary in size and resolution. RWD is designed to make a website look good and function properly on all devices, from desktop computers and laptops to smartphones and tablets. RWD is based on the theory that a website should be designed to be viewed on any device, regardless of its size or resolution. 

Why Is It Important?

The importance of responsive web design is it makes websites look good and function properly on all devices, from desktop computers and laptops to smartphones and tablets. This makes it easier for people to access information and resources online, regardless of where they are and what device they are using. Nowadays, this is also a ranking factor for Search Engine Optimization so you need to consider this for your digital marketing efforts.

How Does It Work?

It is a design approach that uses different designs for different devices so that the website looks good and functions properly on all of them. This can involve making different elements of the website—like images and fonts—responsive so they will change size automatically to fit any device. Responsive web design also involves designing the layout of the website so that it can be viewed on devices with low-resolution screens, like smartphones and tablets, in a way that looks good and preserves the content.

What Are the Benefits of Responsive Web Design?

There are many benefits of responsive web design. These include:

1. Increased Engagement

Websites that are designed responsively tend to be more engaging and interactive, which can lead to higher user engagement and loyalty. This is because they look good and are easy to use on a variety of devices, which makes it easier for people to find information and stay on the website.

2. Increased Traffic

Responsive web design can also lead to increased traffic to your website. This is because people will be more likely to visit your website if it looks good and functions properly on all devices. In addition, responsive web design can help you attract top search engine ranking positions, which is important for online visibility and marketing efforts to increase the chances of a lead turning into a sales.

3. Reduced Costs

Responsive web design can also reduce costs associated with website development. This is because it can reduce the need for additional design or development resources or for modifications to existing websites. In addition, responsive design can make it easier to customize your website for different user groups or regions, which can save you time and money.


Responsive web design is a great way to create a website that looks great on any device. It’s easy to use and can help you reach a wider audience. You should consider this when building a website to increase conversions that will exponentially make you more money.

The Different Types of Web Developers

We have all heard about web developers, but there are still people out there that wonder what exactly they do. In short, web developers are coding and designing websites and apps so we can use them in our everyday life. Web developers are creating all interactive features, options, presentations and capacities of the website. The main responsibility of the web developer is to create the website by following specific structure, taking care of everything along the way – from designing the home page layout to creating the site to be fully functional. Web developers use specific programming languages like HTML, CSS or JavaScript when making the website. They use their ideas in order to create websites that will be informative, attractive and user-friendly. There are a few types of different web developers and here they are.

  • Front End Developer

These types of web developers are primarily responsible for the overall appearance and feel of the website. Front end developers must have strong knowledge in three programming languages – JavaScript, CSS and HTML. They also have to be knowledgeable with AngularJS, Bootstrap and EmberJS, which are things that make websites look alive, functional and interactive.

  • Back End Developer

These types of web developers work on the back end of the website. The back end is consisted of application, database and server. Back end developers design and keep the application, database and web server operational, so the front end can operate the website. In order for these three mentioned components to communicate with each other, back end developers use programming languages such as Java, PHP, .Net, Python and Ruby for building the application. They also use specific tools like SQL and MySQL for fetching, storing and editing data, and their subsequent serving to the user in the front end.

  • Full Stack Developers

These types of web developers have good knowledge and know how to work both on the front end and back end of a website. This term was popularized in the recent years and these developers are always in high demand by the tech companies. That is because full stack developers have strong understanding about the inner workings of the web at any level. They also know how to configure Windows and Linux servers, how to run the client side of the app, and how to structure and create a webpage by using HTML and CSS. In order for someone to be a full stack developer he has to possess extensive knowledge in running the scripting and client side.

            These were the main types of web developers. Technology world is constantly changing, so people with different computing and programming skills are sought every day. If you want to stay up to date with latest developments in this field, you need to constantly pay attention to what is going on in the world of technology. There are many other things besides the mentioned that good web developers do, so seek experts if you need a quality website to be designed.